Asset Management

Brand Street Properties’ asset management platform provides a hands-on, integrated suite of services including leasing, property management, construction management, and investment management.


  • Merchandising Strategy Formation
  • New Tenant Sourcing
  • LOI and Lease Negotiation
  • Managing Tenant Relations
  • Comprehensive Lease Administration Services

Property management

  • Management of Property Facilities
  • Operating and Capital Plan Implementation
  • Property Accounting/Reporting Services

Construction Management

  • Active Coordination with Third-Party Architects, Engineers, and Contractors
  • Financial Project Management
  • Construction Requisition Process

investment management

  • Management of Investment/Partnership Level Returns
  • Net Cash Flow Analysis
  • Determination of Distributions, Capital Balances, and Required Equity Fundings
  • Management of Debt Related Functions, Including Reporting, Loan Draws, and Covenant Compliance